Week 3 DIY Home Decor Project:
Decorative Jewelry Holder

The mesh is great to hang earring on. The rod is removable for bracelets. The hooks on the bottom are perfect for hanging necklaces. I would put it in the closet and put the jewelry I wear most often.
Pretty neat-huh?
I will show you step by step how to make one.
Supplies you will need:
Frame at least 8 x 10-Michael's
Decorative Fabric of choice-Jo-Ann Fabrics
Spray glue-Walmart, Michael s, Hobby Lobby
Spray paint-Walmart or Home Depot.
Screw in hooks-7-Walmart or Home Depot
wood dowel- Jo-Ann Fabrics
Wire screen-Home Depot Garden Dept.
Decorative know-optional
Picture hanger-frame may already have one I found allot do not-Michael's or Jo-Ann Fabrics
Drill- makes it easier
Wire cutters
Sharpie Marker
Step 1.
Remove glass and paper from frame.
Step 2. Use the back as a guide to cut fabric. I trace it with a sharpie marker on the back.
Step 3. Now use the back as a guide to cut the wire mesh. I trace with sharpie marker. Be careful wire mesh is extremely sharp-I have cuts:)
Step 4. Spray the back and adhere the fabric let dry at least 5 minutes.
Step 5. Measure and mark for the hooks. Drill holes for screw hooks. Screw in hooks.
Step 7. Measure the dowel to the length of the frame-saw to fit. Paint the dowel to compliment fabric and frame.
Step 8. Nail the picture holder on top center back of the frame.
Step 9. Assemble Jewelry holder put wire mesh between frame and backing. Close up the back.
Put the dowel in the hooks.
You are done:)
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