Supplies you will need for project:
1. Slate-it came with twine and ready to hang
-available at local craft store-I found mine at Hobby Lobby
$5.99 use your 40% off coupon in Sundays Paper
2. Mod Podge
available at any at any craft store.
3. Decorative Napkin or Paper for your Design
3. Scissors
4. Clear gloss finish gloss
1. Look at Decorative Paper and Design and decide
how you would like it to fit on your piece of slate.
Cut it to the size you would like.
2. Remove 1 section of the white backing-there is usually
2 plus the design to each napkin. I leave one because on the black slate it shows up better.
3. Control tear the sides. I use one hand to control the tears as a guide and tear with the other slowly.
There is no right or wrong way it your desired effect-I like how it melds into the slate and has no strong edges when it is torn.
4. Put a thin layer mod podge on the slate in the entire area of your design-I use my fingers.( I had purchased all the tools but found my fingers worked best. Save your money.) Note* the paper is thin and when it gets wet it gets very delicate and can tear easily-the less you play with it the better:)
6. With a slightly damp paper towel wipe off any mod podge on the edges-it will look white over your design but will dry clear.
7. Once dry, apply a coat of gloss to seal it.
Now wasn't that easy?:)
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