One thing I know I've done right is making the Holidays Special for my kids. They get sooo
excited even though mine are now teenagers they still want to participate in Holiday traditions we have created.
One that I started was buying one of these advent calendars. Since I have 2 kids one would get evens and one would get odds. We decide it the day before it starts and trust me they keep track:) I told them if they peeked at the days before the day comes I would do away with-they haven't peeked.
I started with a candy one and one like this so one day they would get candy and one day they would get a surprise from the advent calendar. We did away with the candy-they out grew that one-trying to be more healthy too.
Originally I tried to find things to fit in the drawers-I will save you the frustration almost nothing fits...solution-I made it into a scavenger hunt where I write a clue on Christmas paper their surprise is hidden in the location on the paper. Some of the drawers have money-always fun! I always make it even so no one feels like someone got something more or better-it keeps things happy and I am telling you they love this! When they were younger I would get some of the fun things at Michaels like, Lyndt candy soldier, reindeer that poops out candy-they think it is funny:) or a rubber duck for bath time fun that has a Santa's hat, etc. Now that they are older I do money, dollar scratch off lottery tickets, Gatorade(my kids love drinks) My youngest son loved gum-now he has braces-so not this year:) I go to the dollar store and the little bottles of fruit juice that look like champagne bottles-they love those, silly string and party poppers, etc. What they like that is fun some are edible, some are to make them laugh and some are things that are small that they really want-it is all about the element of surprise...anticipation. Have fun with it...watching your kids loving it is so rewarding:)
This one is from Lillian and Vernon. You can find them at Target,Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Etc.
When my kids have kids I will buy one for them to continue the tradition. They range from $15-$30.
You could make your own with small jewelry boxes-just an idea:0
I will share other traditions and recipes I have done with my kids that make their Christmas special.