Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Do not under Under estimate the Will of a Dog....all I can say is Wow, I am still in Shock...

   My husband and I Love our pets, dog Rivet and kitten Tumbles, but sleeping with them has caused us to be sleep deprived zombies. My husband said I want my bed back! So we have our youngest son Brandt, sleep with Tumbles-he said he sleeps through her playfulness. As for our dog Rivet we decided to crate train him last night because his countless potty trips, licking and scratching keeps us awake all night. We knew he wouldn't be happy-he is only happy when he is with us(he is very sweet and loving) and were prepared for barking and whining(my husband put a blanket over the crate for sound proofing), but felt positive he would accept it eventually and we would all get some sleep.
Our little angel Rivet this morning
 almost smiling for the camera

At 3:34 A.M. we heard a scratching at our door-we both thought how could that be? Then we thought our son Brandt must not have put him in the crate or didn't lock it properly or worse was still up gaming and Rivet sneaked away from him. We never heard him cry or whine this is what only made sense. I sent my husband down to investigate.
He came back in shear shock but almost laughing and acting some what proud of Rivet. He said,"He did a jail break." I thought what? He said he chewed through his crate. Again it was hard to believe.
We lovingly call his crate the slammer. My husband's Mom called their dog's crate slammer. At first, I thought it sounded cruel, but then I saw the humor in it and how much she loved that dog-she wouldn't do anything mean to it so we copied because we thought it was funny. Normally, we have his crate memory foam pad in there but it was drying from a soiling the day before so he had one of his blanket's-I feel guilty like was he not comfy enough? He is fine and goes in willingly when we leave to go out.
 We had gone garage sale shopping  in affluent neighborhood about a month ago and found a beautiful wooden dog crate I had been eyeing in the Front Gate Catalog, wanted but could not afford until a lady went down to $50-her dog refused to go in it-it was never used. I loved it because it looked like furniture-it was beautiful!
He will go in his crate to be by himself-usually when I am out. I thought this will give him more privacy his own little sanctuary. I read dogs need their own little escape sometimes.
Unfortunately I didn't take pictures before but here is a picture of the side that was not damaged.

His escape hatch
My husband said at first he was like how did he get out the door is still locked?
 Then he realized and noticed the bar missing:)Jail Break!

Busy little beaver!

Close up
My husband said I only heard of Pit Bulls doing this
Rivet is a Terrier mix-all of 12 pounds.

View inside the door

My husband said Rivet earned his place in the bed that night. He continued to lick and move around. I began to worry...did he hurt his mouth or get splinters? We checked he is fine:)
He went poop and pee when my husband went to check out the situation however shortly after he came to bed he nudged me like he does when he has to go out-my husband said he doesn't have to go out he just did both-I said he needs something I'll be back. He went straight down to his area like to show me what he did and devoured his food-he had worked up an appetite:)
Now we are once again sleep deprived. My husbands glimmer of sleep and getting his bed back are gone. If you have any suggestions send them our way:)

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