Sunday, October 5, 2014

Best place to get fresh produce-its a fun way to shop!

      I read some interesting information on the benefits of watermelon that I didn't know before and realize I need to eat more watermelon:).


Watermelon helps reduce the accumulation of fat in our fat cells. Just by eating watermelon, you are helping fight weight gain and making your body healthier. Watermelon is an amazing fruit, but it is even more amazing when you consider that it helps your body get rid of fat. Go watermelon! 
Also about fruits and vegetables and it inspired me to go to the farmers market.

The prices there are awesome!
 I got 8 limes for a $1. I pay that for 2 limes at the grocery store.
You do have to know your prices because each vendor works a little different. Some sell only by the box and some sell individual and prices vary. I make a lot of soup when it gets cold and fresh produce and herbs makes them taste amazing. Look for more delicious healthy recipes that I will post.

We weren't looking for a pumpkin  but when I saw these I had to stop.
These huge pumpkins cost $30. 

They had such a variety. I had not seen white pumpkins before they had a touch of blue
 and I love to be different so I couldn't leave without one.
They were $10 what a deal!

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