Thursday, October 9, 2014

Celebrity trainers do not eat these foods...I tell which ones why-it may surprise you

 I read what celebrity trainers do not eat and why...interesting and good to know...some may surprise you-they did me.

1. Alcohol
If you want your body to operate optimally and look fantastic—and younger—avoid alcohol.
Tara Stiles
Alcohol is nothing but "empty calories" and suggests that those looking to lose a few pounds ditch drinking for 21 days; after that, limit drinks to a few per week.
Tim Rich

2. Grapes and Bananas
Stick to fruits that either have edible skin, edible seeds, or citrus—bananas do not have edible skin, nor do they have edible seeds really, nor are they citrus. Most of the fiber and nutrients that are in a fruit are in a fruit's skin. A banana is just the densest piece of fruit that you can put in your body, and since it doesn't have much fiber, it won't keep you full." As for grapes? "Grapes have a special sugar in them called dextrose, which is the highest glycemic sugar that you can possibly put in your body."
Harley Pasternak

3.  Processed Foods, Especially Refined Carbs
"If a food item has ingredients you don't recognize or can't pronounce, you probably shouldn't eat it." Warner says that "everyone has to understand that bread, crackers, croutons, things like that, that's sugar. As soon as it's in your system, it processes straight to sugar, then straight to fat." Jenkins,  steers clear of processed foods because they "create inflammation in the body and increase the risk of disease."
Jeanette Jenkins, Jackie Warner, and Valerie Waters

4. All Soda, Even Diet
Drinking soda has been linked to several health issues like dental decay, bone loss, and hypertension. It's also loaded with sugar—not a good thing for any healthy diet. Diet soda doesn't fare much better: Studies link the consumption of diet soda to both weight gain and an increased stroke risk.
John Damon

5.  Fried Foods
completely destructive to the body." Fried foods are widely available (and cheap), making them hard to steer clear of, but the amount of trans fat they contain should be enough to scare anyone
David Kirsch

6.  Refined Sugar
 Our bodies desire fresh, organic foods for energy and fuel.
Teddy Bass

7. Yogurt
 if you're looking to lose weight, "get away from yogurt completely." For Jackie, most yogurts on the market are filled with sugar — her number one food vice and the reason "people are heavy and sick in this country." While we agree with Jackie that many of the yogurts on the market are brimming with sugar, Greek yogurt is a must.
Jackie Warner

8.  Margarine
Number one on his off-limits list: "It's loaded with empty calories and is packed with trans fat, which is the worst fat to consume."
Jarett Del Bene

  They recoomend to Follow the 80/20 rule to maintain a healthy weight. "You can't be 100 percent all of the time, but you can be 80 percent all of the time.
Yumi Lee

By Michele Foley for POPSUGAR Fitness
Women's Health

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